New Musical Lady M (International Production) @Shanghai Culture Square

New Musical Lady M (International Production) @Shanghai Culture Square

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  • R&D support.
  • Licensing management.
  • Worked closely with the Chinese partners to support the production and present the work.
  • Assisted administrative tasks delivering the performance successfully.

The New Musical Lady M was created by talented British artists James Beeny and Gina Georgio, as a special commission for the ‘2022 Chinese Original Musical Incubation Project’ at the Shanghai Culture Square. Spearheading international production and managing copyright negotiations, Performance Infinity supported the production produced by Xu Jun Theatre, Poly Shang Yue Bay (Shanghai) Theatre Management Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Dong Hongqiao Theatre Management Co., Ltd. The production is scheduled for performance at the Shanghai 1862 Fashion Art Centre from 9 May to 2 June 2024. Featuring an international cast and presented entirely in English, this musical is a pioneering endeavour — the first English-language original musical incubated and world-premiered in Shanghai by a Chinese team, marking a significant milestone in the history of Chinese musical theatre.

The cast includes the well-known Dutch actor Maya Hakvoort in the role of Lady Macbeth, British actor Karl Queensborough in the role of Macbeth, with the highly acclaimed West End actor Richard Carson as Macduff, Tom Hiddleston, an active figure on the West End stage and in British music programmes, portrays Banquo. Additionally, 30 young and renowned Chinese actors are set to deliver captivating performances in this play.

Work.txt @Shanghai Theatre Art Centre’s D6 Space

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  • Licensing management
  • Worked closely with the Chinese partners to support the production and present the work.
  • Assisted administrative tasks delivering the performance successfully.

Work.txt, an innovative production by British Artist Nathan Ellis, its Mandarin version was produced by Shanghai 2332 Studio and staged at Shanghai Theatre Art Centre’s D6 Space from 19th to 21st January 2024. This is a show without actors, and belongs to every participant, about work, industry, and the things that don’t make sense.

Imagine entering the theatre, selecting your seat, and as the lights dim, prompts appear, initiating a story about work that unfolds gradually before your eyes… Every attendee contributes to the narrative, making it a stage for everyone, and satisfying the desire for performance in all of us!

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