- Bridged together the Chickenshed Theatre Company with our Chinese partner Elite Group to introduce the inclusive theatre approach to China.
- Secured the funding of Connections Through Culture Grant by British Council.
- Participated in the artistic creation and communication between British artists and local students and teachers to ensure the mutual understanding of both sides.
- Coordinated and arranged the artist’s visits and teaching schedules in China.
- Managed the press conference and final presentation of The Lotus Lantern.
Partnered with the London based theatre company Chickenshed and our Chinese partner Elite Group, and supported by the funding from British Council China. The Lotus Lantern was a special and meaningful project in order to bring the arts and theatre to disadvantaged young children. The artists of Chickenshed Theatre Company together with undergraduates of the Hebei Institute of Communications who are training in Theatre in Education developed original music, choreography and staging to present this work, and also visited the Bo Ai School in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, China to introduce its inclusive approach to different environments through this inter-cultural initiative. With professional assistance from Performance Infinity, we ensured the success of the visit by Chickenshed and received positive feedback from our partners, parents and students due to the creation of this memorable experience.