- Co-hosted a reception event with the Jingying Entertainment Group announcing the partnership of the two organizations.
- Presented a range of successfully completed projects that have taken place throughout 2017 both in China and the UK and also launched a range of ambitious projects in 2018.
Delighted to invite a host of working partners, colleagues and valued friends to the reception at Southbank Centre to launch a range of highly ambitious projects due in 2018, as well as celebrating a number of completed projects from 2017. The reception was a great opportunity to present the growing partnership between Jingying Entertainment Group and Performance Infinity. The reception event gave us the opportunity to inform our guests about the success of several brilliant projects completed in 2017, and the developing partnerships between British and European artists in China. Key speakers included Qiuyun Wang of Jingying Entertainment Group; Steve Ansell, the Artistic Director of Stage@leeds, University of Leeds, Dave Carey from Chickenshed Theatre, Wilma Kuite, the producer of Jakop Ahlbom Company, and Martin Lamb – writer and lead consultant for the upcoming production, the Science Detective.